Gear is everything...

Northern lights at Lyngenfjord

Roadside from below

Cold sea & keen insight

Benni & the dimensions on the Fjord

Hänsn catches atmosphere

Storfossen - a monster

Abseiling nearly down to the Fjord

Winter is coming up soon
Marmot presents the gear of choice...
The new fall/winter-catalogue is coming directly from printing, including the partly brand new winter collection for 2010/2010. What makes me happy at most about it, is the facst that once again ice-climbing could make the race for the cover-picture against some other famous winter sports. Our Trip to Lyngen last Februar/March is presented in the catalogue as well as the cover of Roadside (WI7). Looking trough the pages gives inspiration for the next season. But right now, rock climbing is the name of the game - winter is coming soon enough! On the left some pics from our trip to Lyngen as a foretaste of winter...
pdf (28.9 MB): Marmot F/W 2010